About this Blog

Being human is being incomplete, failing, learning, and searching for answers and meaning.  Not only is perfection unreachable – it may not even be desirable.

It’s easy to get caught in an anti-failure mindset, to try to do everything perfectly, to be perfect, to show no vulnerability or weakness, to project the image of being better than we are, to hide our mistakes, to fear facing them or allowing anyone else to know them.  We can pretend that we’re already complete, and already know, and need nothing.

But the only way forward, the only way to grow is through failure.  It is a necessity, and inherent in being human.  We aren’t and can’t be perfect.  We don’t have perfect knowledge, and it’s through that ignorance that we seek to discover and learn.  It’s through what doesn’t work that we often learn what does.  We err, we stumble and we don’t know the answers, and so we investigate, create, and explore.

So here I’ll explore, and draw connections, find cool and interesting things to share, throw in my own insights, and ignore my perfectionist side as much as possible.  In other words – I get to talk about cool things and give my opinion while floundering about figuring things out.  You may or may not want to stick around for that 😀

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